Vine pruning

We followed Claire Remondeulaz as she carried out the painstaking and essential work of pruning the vines.

Pruning allows for the regulation of grape quantity and ensures the longevity of the vine.

There are different types of pruning. Guyot pruning is becoming increasingly common in our vineyards. It ensures adequate production for less fruitful grape varieties and high production for others.

When is the right time to prune? As late as possible, to delay bud development and limit exposure to frost.

The proverb says: “Prune early, prune late, nothing beats pruning in March.” But with such extensive vineyard areas like Clos de Balavaud, organization is crucial to maximize vine care.

Claire tells us: “Pruning is one of my favorite tasks in the vineyard. It determines the vine’s cycle; it’s where it all begins. We need to pay special attention to young vines. The initial pruning will shape their form and growth, which is why it’s delicate work. Usually, it’s either Roger or me who take care of it.”

Roger tells us: The work of pruning the vines is fascinating. Each vine is different and has its own character. You have to think about your pruning individually.”

And that’s the magic of the vineyard: a lot of hard work carried out by passionate people.🍇 🍷

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